A Hodgepodge of pictures from these first three months! |
Here are some photos of "nuestra casa" that just don't really correspond to any post in particular.
This is a view of one of the patios, where the girls play soccer. The classrooms are on the left and the chapel on the right. On the other side of the chapel is another patio for playing volleyball. Straight back is the sisters' quarters, I live along that same edge, on the other side.
This is our Kitchen where two of the hijas de casa cook for us.

Here is a pot of beans that they cook a few times a week, to feed all seventy of us.
The view of "Cenprof" the bulding where we have the bakery, and all the practical classes like cooking, sewing, computers, typewriting, etc. |
Sor Mirna talking with a student, giving advice, as always! |
The Comedor Infantil! where I work from 11 -1 |
Taking Water out of the well |
Cooking classes |
Sewing classes |
Beauty salon classes |
And below are some random pictures of the country I've taken at various times.
I live somewhere in those mountains in the distance |
A Honduran bathroom on the right. The water spigot on the left. |
A typical honduran house made of mud, before it is painted/ sealed with white paint of some sort |
A typical Honduran house made of mud with the watersource outside. |
A Typical honduran oven. |
I Love that there are so many colorful houses! |
Some of the hundreds of kids who always seem to be on the side of the freeway. |
That is the potato harvesting off in the distance. |
Some of the sisters in the market in Intibuca, buying fruit. |
some oxen/cows on the side of the road, not unusual. |
driving away from Tegucigalpa! |
Well These next photos are all form my trip to Intibuca, Read the post about it if you want, but the bottom is the old father anf the daughter carrying about sixty pound/ seventyfive pound bags for about twenty minutes up and down hills to the truck because we couldn not drive the truck in the mud, to be a campesino you have to be strong, the girl is about four six, and she is pure muscle!