Sooo I had been planning on having a bible camp type program for the kids who come to the comedor, but I needed help, and no one really was able to, so then I cut it down to a day program, and the helpers would only have to come for one day, but then the night before, I find out they can't come....
Come the day of the fiesta, it was115 children, and 5 volunteers (including me)!
Luckily the moms of the littlest ones where there to keep the smallest ones under control! hehe |
Playing Simon says, and I lost every time along with about half the kids! |
I was a little worried how we would get everything done, but it worked out. While me and the other volunteers sang some songs, and played with the kids, and tried to organize stuff, a few other people stepped up and saved the program, and my sanity. The hijas de casa pitched in by adding to their daily chores, the task of making and popping 125 bags of popcorn, one of the moms stayed and helped Doña Samira prepare the 250 pastelitos for the lunch, a teacher gave up an hour of his busy schedule to help us control the hords of children fighting over the piñata candy and the desert we gave them, and some of the internas stopped their studying for finals and helped hand out the pbags of popcorn to the kids as they left.
We had two huge circles of Animal, Animal, Vaca! ( like duck, duck, goose) |
By a miracle made possible by all of your prayers, and the generosity of some unexpected help all the kids had a fun celebration of the end of the school year.
Trying to make sure each kid got only one plate of food is pretty hard when they are all hungry! |

Then comes the piñata!Don't let the pictures fool you, kids are crazy when it comes to candy!
One for the girls! |
One for the Boys! |
Well besides all this, things this year are really coming to a close quickly. The graduation ceremony is today; the girls who are here for recuperation finish Monday; Tracy leaves Monday; and I leave Friday for Tegucigalpa and then the next week for Costa Rica! I can't believe its almost been three months, there is still so much to do!
¡Hasta luego! y ¡Dios les Bengiga!
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