ahhhh I am soo behind, in this blog! But I am writing to you because I LOVE YAL! I'll share somegoods and some bads, I can't share with you all that has happened these past few weeks, because well there isn't enough time to write it all. I have about ten minutes before I have to go. I have been here for a little less than a month, but it seems like eternity!
I am now officially a teacher of English, with lessons to plan and quizzes to grade. In class I said to address me as Miss Rebecca, but unfortunately, they still can't differentiate the difference between Miss and Mister, and always go around calling me Meeester Rebecca! Its pretty ridiculous. We spend most of our time attempting to pronounce short vowels, which are really tough!
My English Class! |
On top of classes, I have the same workload as before, attending to the internas, and making them laugh and feel at home, in this fortress we live in. Their problems are great, so it seems that being a teacher is only a side job. My regular job is to make sure the internas are mentally and materially prepared for classes. This means I give advice, emotional support, when they recieve news from home. Also I get to take them shopping to buy the stuff they need for school and for life, hence I know where to get all the best bargains in Santa Rosa! Then I get to and help them study and do homework and since we still haven't figured out how to turn the water on in their living area, I help them haul water buckets from the well on one side of the school to the other side of the school where their showers, bathrooms and lavanderia are. Its a lot of work, to haul three a minimum of three buckets a day per girl! I told them that another month, like this, and they will all have huge "musculos"(muscles), and noone would ever dare mess with a girl from "El Maria"!
A few blessings!
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Around the Honduras Border! |
The view in El Salvador. Less green than Honduras, and alot warmer! |
--One day SOr Mirna happened to be going to El Salvador for a meeting, so I tagged along, and by the grace of God, they gave me a new Visa, so I don't have to leave the country until May, where as before I had to leave mid April. I got to see the "mero centro" of the city, and went to the market, and helped pick out random little things made in china to sell at our school to help offset costs.
Outside the El Salvador Center for the blind, the whole block is painted with really awesome pictures. |
On the tower of the cathedral. Around the name Don Bosco, were a ton of colorful handprints! |
We stopped at a place in the mountains on the way back to Honduras to have a coffee. |
--The organization Caritas is going to take over the comedor and start an official program for them! I don't know the details, but it sounds pretty cool! Thanks for your prayers!
The bus terminal in Santa Rosa. |
Prayer Requests.
For the girls families, and for the girls, that they don't lose heart and continue their studies!
and for me, that I also can serve them well.
All the buildings in the border town of El Salvador have paintings like these! Soo cool! |
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